RC: Having trouble getting the vehicle registration transferred? These easy ways will work

RC: Unless you transfer the ownership in your name. Till then you will not be able to become the owner of that vehicle legally.

RC: If you are buying or selling an old vehicle, it is often difficult to transfer its registration. After buying any second hand vehicle, you need to get its RC transferred in your name.

Unless you transfer the ownership in your name. Till then you will not be able to become the owner of that vehicle legally. Here you are going to tell easy ways related to it.

Offline Transfer Process
You go to RTO and go there and do all the process. Pay all the documents and fees. Then go to their specified date and check your status.

Let us tell you that it is mandatory to have RC transfer after 14 days of selling any vehicle. Within 30 days, the RC is transferred and sent in the form of smart card to the given address.

Form 28 is used if the vehicle is transferred from one state to another.

this is the online way
To transfer vehicle registration, you have to first go to the website of Ministry of Transport Highway (https://ift.tt/2qRp8xu).

After visiting this website, you have to create your account by entering your name, mobile number, email id etc.

After creating the account, you have to click on Online Service and inside it you have to click on Vehicle Related service.

Now an application form will open in front of you, in which you will have to create OTP by entering your vehicle’s registration number, Chechis number. This OTP will come on your mobile number only.

After entering the OTP, a new page will appear in front of you. In which you have to click on Transfer of Ownership. After that you have to click on submit button.

After submitting, another form will come in front of you, in which you will have to give information about your vehicle and registration.

After that you have to submit the form again. Then you can make appointment from RTO office as per your convenience.

date is to be taken. After this, take the relevant documents on it and go to the RTO office. You will also have to pay the fee for all this work.

These forms have to be submitted
Some forms are given to you from RTO, such as Form 29, 30, 35, 36. In these Form 29, 30 are of cell letter and Form No. 30 is for Hypothecation Terminated.

You and the vehicle taker have to sign the printout of all these forms and submit it again to the RTO. After which the RC is issued by the RTO in the name of the person to whom you have sold the vehicle.


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