Bharat Bandh New Update: Rakesh Tikait said on Bharat Bandh, ready for 10 years agitation, gave this answer to the government on talks…

Bharat Bandh New Update Rakesh Tikait said on Bharat Bandh, ready for 10 years agitation, gave this answer to the government on talks...

BKYU leader said, Agriculture Minister is saying that come for talks. We want to ask the Agriculture Minister that the government should tell us the time and place. They only ask to speak, come for conversation. The government called for talks unconditionally. Even if it takes 10 years, we will not leave from here.

New Delhi: Bharat Bandh news : Highway jam, farmers’ sitting on railway tracks and metro operation have been affected under Bharat Bandh . Rakesh Tikait , spokesperson of the Bharatiya Kisan Union, in his reaction to the withdrawal of agricultural laws, has said that even if it takes 10 years, we are not going to back down from our demands. On the problems being faced by the public due to the road jam, Tikait said that the people are facing problems. Today is people’s holiday and it should be seen as such.

The BKYU leader said, the Agriculture Minister is saying that he should come for talks. We want to ask the Agriculture Minister that the government should tell us the time and place. They only ask to speak, come for conversation. The government called for talks unconditionally. Even if it takes 10 years, we will not leave from here.

Farmers have jammed the Delhi-Meerut Expressway under Bharat Bandh. Ghazipur Border0 between Delhi and UP has also been closed. Ghaziabad Police has also issued advisory regarding traffic at places. Delhi Metro Rail Corporation has closed the entry and exit at Pandit Ram Sharma station. Haryana In K Bahadurgarh, farmers have sat on the rail track, affecting the movement of trains.

Tikait said that ambulances, doctors and other people associated with emergency services will not be stopped during the bandh. Tikait clearly said that we do not want to stall anything, we only want to give a message to the government. We have appealed to the shopkeepers to keep the shops closed till 4 pm.


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