Women did bo*ld dance inside the metro, passengers started applauding; watch viral video

Dance Video: Everyday many videos are viral on the internet. Some of these are such that they touch the heart. One such video is making a splash on social media, in which some village women danced in such a way that people became their fans.

Trending Video: The trend of posting videos of dancing in the metro on social media these days is overshadowed. In such a situation, a video is attracting a lot of people’s attention. In this video, two women can be seen dancing fiercely in a veil.

The video surprised

You must have seen many types of passengers in the metro. But you have rarely seen such women who are seen dancing fearlessly. They do not care what people will think about them, they are just enjoying their dance. First you must also watch this video…

Dance won the hearts of people

Passengers are also looking very happy seeing these two women dancing. The passengers even started clapping for them. Both the women were doing tremendous dance in Saree too. Many people are getting entertained by watching this video. The passengers also got to see something new. Some people also objected to dancing inside the metro.

Women’s steps made a splash

Some people also made videos of them to record the dance steps of women. In this way, videos of dancing in the metro have become viral in the past. But such videos are mostly of young children. This video is unique in itself.

Read Also: Sonakshi Sinha did a glamorous photoshoot, posed one to one in an open shrug


The post Women did bo*ld dance inside the metro, passengers started applauding; watch viral video first appeared on Informalnewz.


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