Actress Anveshi Jain crossed all limits, shared bo*ld pictures from gym, see pictures

Actress Anveshi Jain created panic by giving a bo*ld scene in the web series ‘Ga*ndi Baat’. There was a lot of discussion about this series of hers and she became an overnight star. Anveshi Jain is very active on social media and keeps sharing her bo*ld pictures. Check out her photos here…

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Anveshi started her career as a model, but got popularity from Ekta Kapoor’s web series ‘Ga*ndi Baat’.In the web series, the investigator gave many bo*ld scenes, after which people started searching her on Google. She became an internet sensation on sight.

A post shared by Anveshi Jain (@anveshi25)

Anveshi was born in Khajuraho town of Madhya Pradesh. Then she shifted to Mumbai with the dream of becoming an actress.Apart from being an actress, she is also a singer, model and TV host. She has hosted more than 100 TV shows, including corporate shows.

A post shared by Anveshi Jain (@anveshi25)

Anveshi has studied Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Rajiv Ga*ndhi Technological University, Bhopal.

A post shared by Anveshi Jain (@anveshi25)

Anveshi often shares her bo*ld pictures on Instagram account, which does not take any time to become viral.

The post Actress Anveshi Jain crossed all limits, shared bo*ld pictures from gym, see pictures first appeared on Informalnewz.


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